Drawdown and Superposition

The cone of depression around a single pumping well, for a constant pumping rate and a laterally extensive isotropic and homogeneous confined aquifer (calculated using the Theis equation), with a flat water table or piezometric surface. Pumping rate, aquifer parameters, and duration of pumping are the same as in the no-flow boundary and constant-head boundary cases.

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The cone of depression around a pumping well, in the presence of a no-flow boundary (calculated using superposition of the drawdown for an "image well" beyond the no flow boundary, to the left above). Pumping rate, aquifer parameters, and duration of pumping are the same as in the single well and constant-head boundary cases.

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The cone of depression around a pumping well, in the presence of a constant head boundary (calculated using superposition of the recharge for an "image well" beyond the constant head boundary, to the left above). Pumping rate, aquifer parameters, and duration of pumping are the same as in the no-flow boundary and single well cases.

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The cones of depression around two wells pumping at different rates (calculated using superposition of the Theis solutions for each of the wells).

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The "capture zone" around a pumping well in an area where there is a sloping water table (or piezometric surface) can be determined by superposition of the sloping water table together with the calculated cone of depression for the well.

Last Modified March 28, 1999
Copyright © 1997, 1999 by Timothy T. Allen