KSC Center for Environmental BioGeoChemistry

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Support for the Center for Environmental BioGeoChemistry

These laboratory facilities have been supported by the following grants from the National Science Foundation and Keene State College:



  • National Science Foundation, MRI Program
    • Award #0520938
    • "Upgrade of an XRF Spectrometer and Acquisition of an Ultrasonic Nebulizer Aerosol Deposition System for Research & Research Training in Environmental Geochemistry & Biogeochemistry"
    • PI: Tim Allen
    • 2005-2008
    • $116,516
    • Proposal Narrative (PDF)

  • National Science Foundation, CCLI-A&I Program
    • Award #0126706
    • "Integration of Stable Isotopes across the Sciences (ISIS): Instrumentation for BioGeoChemistry and Environmental Studies"
    • PI: Renate Gebauer, Tim Allen, Steve Bill
    • 2002-2004
    • $180,737 (including matching funds from KSC)
    • Proposal Narrative (PDF)

  • National Science Foundation, CCLI-A&I Program
    • Award #008760
    • "Geochemical Analysis across the Geology Curriculum and in related courses in Chemistry and Environmental Studies"
    • PI: Tim Allen, Pete Nielsen, Steve Stepenuck
    • 2001-2005
    • $240,223 (including matching funds from KSC)
    • Proposal Narrative (PDF)

  • Keene State College, Faculty Development Fund
    • Construction of a Multi-Purpose Vacuum Line Laboratory for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
    • Co-PIs: Renate Gebauer and Tim Allen
    • 2000
    • $4995
    • Proposal Narrative (PDF)

Website by ThorpeAllen.net
Last modified 2008-12-31