KSC Center for Environmental BioGeoChemistry
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Tim Timothy Thorpe Allen
Geology & Environmental Studies

E-mail: tallen@keene.edu
Office Phone: 603-358-2571
Lab Phone: 603-358-2582
Mobile Phone: 603-209-9222
FAX: 603-358-2897
Mailing Address: Tim Allen, Mailstop 2001, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03435-2001

Tim teaches courses in Environmental Geology, Hydrogeology, and Geochemistry. His research interests include sub-surface hydrologic dynamics and the evolution of mountain belts.

Renate Renate L. E. Gebauer
Biology & Environmental Studies

Email: rgebauer@keene.edu
Office Phone: 603-358-2577
Lab Phone: 603-358-2582
FAX: 603-358-2897
Mailing Address: Renate Gebauer, Mailstop 2001, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03435-2001

Renate teaches courses in Community & Ecosystem Ecology and Plant Physiology. Her research interests include how plants integrate their physiological responses to environmental factors and the implications of these responses to plant communities.

Website by ThorpeAllen.net
Last modified 2008-12-31